Driving Questions Throughout this Project
- What, if any, differences or similarities exist between a natural event and a natural disaster?
- What causes a hurricane/earthquake/tornado/volcanic eruption/tsunami/mudslide/blizzard? (Select the one your group was assigned)
- Explain the steps (in order) that occur to create the natural event/disaster your group was assigned.
- Explain how the distribution (where they happen in the world) and causes of natural disasters shape and change the Earth.
- What was the worst disaster of its kind?
- When did it happen?
- Where did it happen?
- How many people were hurt? Killed?
- How much damage did the disaster cause?
- How do we prevent, or reduce, damage from a/an _______ from occurring?
- What role do engineers play in this? (What is their job and how do they help keep people safe?)
- What steps can be taken to protect yourself during this event?
- talk with your group - what do you know about natural events/natural disasters?
- What do you want to know? (Come up with a minimum of 5 questions per group)
1. Reading & Note-taking
- Read about the natural disaster/event that your group has been assigned to research (Use the QR code on the poster your group has been assigned to find a list of sources you may use to learn more about the event/disaster)
- Determine important information for your reader to know
- Take notes on the facts you determine to be of importance *Use the driving questions for this unit to help your group research your topic
2. Writing: Informational Report
- Write an informational report [it looks like a textbook - text features are present (titles, pictures, captions); written in the present tense, and uses linking verbs (is, has, does)]
- This report must have an introduction (What are you writing about?; What are you going to share with your readers?); a paragraph explaining what your disaster is; a paragraph explaining how it occurs (what weather patterns or events occur to create the event); a paragraph detailing the worst time this event occurred (when, where, what was the effect - How many died? Were hurt? Lost their homes? How much money did it cost to clean up/recover from?), a concluding paragraph tying it all up
- You can write this essay as a Google Doc, in Slides (1 paragraph per slide or over 2 slides), in Book Creator, in Keynote, in Notability, in Seesaw, in Explain Everything...have another idea? Come talk to me
3. How-To Instructional Writing Project
- Create a How-To instructional project to teach the public how to prepare for and stay safe during the event/disaster your group is assigned (be sure that this is easy to understand and helpful) - Your notes from your reading and for your report will be helpful here
- You can create this in Slides, Book Creator, Keynote, Notability, Seesaw, Explain Everything, Green Screen, iMovie, Telestory
4. Create a Newscast
- Create a newscast reporting on the actual disaster (Use Green Screen or Telestory)
Research Resources
Google Site created by Miss Hernandez
Google Site created by Miss Hernandez
This site has links to several resources to help you with your project please use this resource as well as those listed below.
Outcomes of This Unit
Outcomes of This Unit
Students will...
- Know and explain the process, structure, and elements of a natural disaster.
- Explain the difference between a natural disaster and a natural event.
- Explain the distribution and causes of natural disasters that shape/change the Earth.
- Understand, identify, and explain the cause-effect relationships involved in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes/typhoons, mudslides, or blizzards
3rd Grade team ROCKS!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Amy!!!